Discover how consumer trends continue to transform the grocery retail landscape from brick-and-mortar to e-retailers and back again. Learn how the “New Normal” proved that in-store and online customers can be one and the same. And, check out how automation and robotics helped retailers keep product moving to consumers, from all channels.Agenda:
10 a.m. Track 1: Evolution of Retail
Vish Putcha, senior manager strategy of supply chain for Walmart, discusses overall trends impacting the evolution of brick-and-mortar retail.
Noon Track 2: How Automation Achieves Contact-Free Shopping in B2C & B2B Channels
Bruce Williams, CEO of Haultail, discusses the need for adaptive technology to achieve contact-free shopping as well as the unique challenges in automation for B2C vs. B2B channels.
2 p.m. Track 3: B2E is the New Supply Chain
Steve Denton, CEO of Ware2Go, a UPS company, discusses key differentiators of the B2E model, associated growth measures, concrete steps to adopting the B2E model and building a dynamic supply chain.
4 p.m. Track 4: Emerging From COVID-19: Why Better Data Sharing between CPGs and Retailers is Critical
Inna Kuznetsova, interim CEO of 1010data, reviews the COVID-19-related stock-outs witnessed as a result of sudden, unprecedented lurches in consumer demand, and discusses the critical role data sharing between CPGs and retailers will play in predicting demand, understanding inventory levels at a store level and the role these play in adjusting supply chains on the fly.
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