Continuous Improvement should be more of a cultural shift than a quick fix. BPM is therefore a fundamental principle that businesses should be engaging with. Getting it right will underpin the success of further automation projects - even at a basic level, it prevents businesses from running inefficiently and wastefully.
Whether you've innovated your way into first place or just getting started, the rest of the world will keep catching up, technology will change, and the businesses that stay where it is, becomes the businesses that quickly goes backwards.
From the birth of the smartphone to the rapid growth and influence of business process management (BPM) robotics, artificial intelligence, blockchain, process mining and others, the world has seen a constant evolution in disruptive innovation; industry 4.0.
To tackle these challenges and keep companies from facing unprecedented change, BPM Live 2020 is designed for anyone interested in keeping up with changes in the market, competition, and growth, but more specifically, process and operational excellence professionals globally.
From the comfort of your own desk join us and our thought leaders as they share their experiences, lessons and tips.
Agenda día 1:
09:00ET [45 MINUTES]
The Journey Towards Winning the Kaizen Award for Continuous Improvement
Gerard Poolman, Director, Continuous Improvement, Integrated Gas bij, Shell
10:00ET [45 MINUTES]
Increasing the Level and Quality of Automation with Digital Process Automation
Session reserved for SAP
11:00ET [45 MINUTES]
Take Two Solutions and Create One Goal with BPM and RPA
Session reserved for Automation Anywher
12:00ET [45 MINUTES]
Intuit and QuickBooks Scale Millions of Processes with Workflow Automation
Siben Nayak, Staff Software Engineer, Intuit Inc.
Speaker to be confirmed, Camunda
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