Webinar • Business Intelligence: Tableau • TODOS

Análisis del flujo de mercancías en Retail con TableauAgéndalo en tu calendario habitual ¡en tu horario!

Por Simon Runc Experto en análisis minorista - ATHEON ANALYTICS
Miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018, de 05.00 a 05.30 hs Horario de Ohio (US)
Webinar en inglés
To improve product availability and product quality within your physical and online retail stores, you need to understand what’s happening at each step in a product's journey up to the point of sale - this is your flow-of-goods.
In this live webinar, retail analytics expert Simon Runc will demonstrate how to visually analyse your data at every point along the flow-of-goods, including your supply chain data and point of sale data, so you can make quicker and better product decisions in real-time.
Learn how to visually analyse your retail flow-of-goods data so you can...
- See in real-time what’s happening to your products
- Combine your supply chain data and point of sale data for greater insight
- Reduce stock-holding but improve on-shelf availability
- Take action before low stock availability becomes an issue
- Empower suppliers to act ahead of difficulties
  • 05:00 - 05:30 hs
    Visual Data Analyst por
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  • Análisis del flujo de mercancías en Retail con Tableau

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