Intro y demo de TIBCO Data Virtualization
Miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2018, de 10.00 a 13.00 hs Horario de Ohio (US)
Webinar en inglés
Getting access to data and integrating it into meaningful datasets for analysis has become a huge bottleneck. It prevents you from leveraging your data to achieve the business outcomes that will propel you past the competition. TIBCO Data Virtualizationprovides access to all your data in real time without having to copy, move, or replicate it.
Sign up to attend and learn about:
- Accelerating business value by enabling your users to derive business value from all your data right now as opposed to waiting for data to be made available in a physical repository.
- Reducing the cost of implementing projects with a fast, agile, and flexible data access platform that makes data available to your users in seconds or minutes reducing the time to finish projects from several months to several days.
- Reducing risk to your business applications by insulating your applications from changes that may occur at the data sources and by providing a data access platform that can easily be changed to access and combine data from new data sources at anytime.
9:00–9:45 am – TIBCO Data Virtualization overview & demo
9:45–10:45 am – TIBCO Data Virtualization lab
10:45–12:00 pm – How TIBCO Data Virtualization helps with integration, analytics, and exposing APIs
*Optional* 12:00–2:00 pm – Open lab environment