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Analítica y Gestión ágil de datos. Live Streaming desde Londres.Agéndalo en tu calendario habitual ¡en tu horario!

Sigue en directo The Agile Data Management and Analytics Conference
Jueves, 26 de octubre de 2017, de 03.15 a 07.30 hs Horario de Ohio (US)
Webinar en inglés

Si deseas conocer las últimas tendencias en analítica y gestión ágil de datos no te pierdas el Denodo DataFest EMEA 2017 que será retransmitido en directo el 26 de octubre desde Londres.

Podrás escuchar la opinión de diferentes analistas y ver casos reales de clientes que utilizan métodos ágiles de integración de datos para obtener mejores resultados de negocio.
Con cerca de 20 sesiones que cubrirán aspectos relacionados con virtualización de datos, analítica, cloud y big data, obtendrás conocimientos sobre:
Cómo construir arquitecturas de datos modernas y ágiles que permitan a tu organización escalar a medida que el volumen y velocidad de los datos crecen exponencialmente.
Cómo implementar tecnologías de abstracción de datos que acceden a cualquier repositorio en tiempo real y reducen la necesidad de mover los datos constantemente de un lugar a otro.
Cómo proporcionar un auto-servicio global de datos que ayude a las personas de negocio a tomar mejores decisiones de gestión.
  • 03:15 - 03:30 hs
    Analyst Presentation: Trending Topics in BI and Data Management por

    The world at large has always been subject to technology and business trends. Over the last few years, new trends have emerged that have had an enormous influence on how organizations work, interact, communicate, collaborate and protect themselves. As part of BARC's BI Trend Monitor 2018, 2,770 companies were asked to rate the importance of 20 trending topics. In this session, we will present the key factors for gaining value from data today.

  • 03:30 - 03:45 hs
    Customer Presentation: A Customer Case Study in Logical Data Warehouse por , de Erasmus University Medical Center

    Healthcare organizations are constantly challenged with delivering high quality care while complying with strict regulations. Erasmus University Medical Center required the agility to quickly deliver BI products for its business users. In this presentation they will educate about how they use a Logical Data Warehouse architecture to rapidly support line-of-business users with dashboards and reports.

  • 03:45 - 04:00 hs
    Customer Presentation: Enabling Single View of Entities with Microservices por , de GetSmarter

    Microservices is an advanced architecture for rapidly building applications using a suite of loosely-coupled modular services. This presentation will provide a deeper understanding of delivering single view of entities such as students as microservices enabled by MDM and data virtualization.

  • 04:00 - 04:15 hs
    Denodo Presentation: Performance Considerations in Logical Data Warehouse por , de Denodo

    When processing very large amounts of data at the speed of thought, performance questions raise their ugly head. Logical data warehouse architectures rival the conventional data warehouses in speed while reducing the need to extract, transform, and load the data. This presentation will prove this result using the benchmarks of the logical data warehouse vs. the physical data warehouse.

  • 04:15 - 04:30 hs
    Panel: Logical Data Warehouse as the Future in Data Warehousing

    PANEL: Tim Grosser BARC Research / Kishan Shri Erasmus University Medical Center / Schoeman Loubser GetSmarter / Sebastien Fabri Looker / Andreas Schuldt HCL 
    MODERATOR: Ravi Shankar Denodo

  • 04:30 - 04:45 hs
    Networking Break / Partner Showcase
  • 04:45 - 05:00 hs
    Customer Presentation: Multi-zone Data Virtualization for Data Lakes por , de Statistics Netherlands

    Data lakes is a great solution for storing tens of thousands of data sets for statisticians to perform their daily functions. But how do you make that data available in a format that makes sense to them? Also, how do you enrich that data from other agencies who prohibit copying the data to the data lake? In this presentation, Statistics Netherlands, will highlight how they are using a Spark-based data lake with Denodo's data virtualization in a multi-zone architecture to enable the statisticians to quickly find and use the data in the format they need.

  • 05:00 - 05:15 hs
    Customer Presentation: Lowering IT Costs with Big Data and Cloud Modernization por , de Logitech

    Organizations are fast adapting cloud to lower the IT costs, and increase agility. In this presentation, Logitech will present how they migrated their on-premise data warehouse and big data systems to the cloud and minimizing costs and immensely improved their time-to-market.

  • 05:15 - 05:30 hs
    Partner Presentation: Universal Semantic Models for Big Data Analytics por Tableau

    Companies have now resorted to the use of multiple reporting tools within their organization, thus creating a headache for the IT to create a semantic model for each of the reporting tools. How productive would it be to create a universal semantic model that every reporting tool can use? This presentation will present such an approach to simplify support for any type of reporting tools.

  • 05:30 - 05:45 hs
    Denodo Presentation: Conquering the Edge with Data Virtualization por , de Denodo

    No time like the present! That's one reason why edge analytics continues to grow in value and importance. With the right analytic architecture in place, companies can not only identify opportunities at the edge, they can take appropriate actions.
    Attend this session to learn:

    • The growing importance of edge computing in IoT
    • How data virtualization plays a critical role in enabling edge analytics
    • How Denodo’s innovative customers exploit edge for a winning business model
  • 05:45 - 06:00 hs
    Panel: Redefining Analytical Architectures with In-memory Fabric

    PANEL: Paul Grooten Statistics Netherlands / Tekin Mentes Logitech / Sue Cameron Semarchy / Tableau 
    MODERATOR: Lakshmi Randall Denodo

  • 06:00 - 06:15 hs
    Networking Break / Partner Showcase
  • 06:15 - 06:30 hs
    Analyst Presentation: Modern Data Architectures Need Real-time Data Delivery por

    Companies that move fast, stay one-step ahead of the competition and avoid being gobbled up. Keeping this law of the jungle in perspective, companies are modernizing their data architectures with real-time data delivery capabilities. This presentation will lay the foundation for what modern data architectures look like and how its core components enable rapid data delivery.

  • 06:30 - 06:45 hs
    Customer Presentation: Business Needs for a Fast Data Strategy por , de Altus Analytics

    Fast Data is an absolute business need – it requires the access to the most up-to-date data in real-time to perform its business function best and be ahead of the competition. At Altus Analytics, the faster we can turn around the data, the faster we can accelerate the generation of revenue. In this presentation, we will discuss why fast data is a key business imperative and how to architect your modern data architecture to enable fast data.

  • 06:45 - 07:00 hs
    Partner Presentation: Best Practices in Real-time Data Integration por Wipro

    What are the dos and don’ts in real-time data integration? This presentation will draw upon the learning from successful customer uses of real-time data integration and lay out the practices that have worked and those that have not. Hear the recommendations from the leading practitioner in the real-time data integration.

  • 07:00 - 07:15 hs
    Denodo Presentation: Accelerating Analytics Architectures with Parallel In-Memory Processing and Data Virtualization por , de Denodo

    Which technologies increase real-time data delivery? Database and other technologies are taking on support for in-memory fabric to further boost the speed of data delivery in this impatient world. In this presentation, you will hear how data virtualization uses in-memory fabric to further accelerate the delivery of data to business users.

  • 07:15 - 07:30 hs
    Panel: Redefining Analytical Architectures with In-memory Fabric

    PANEL: Mike Ferguson Independent Analyst / Gordon Griffin Altus Analytics / Bart de Groeve InfoRoad / Wipro 
    MODERATOR: Paul Moxon Denodo

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  • Analítica y Gestión ágil de datos. Live Streaming desde Londres.
  • Analítica y Gestión ágil de datos. Live Streaming desde Londres.

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