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Estrategia para un Centro de automatización de procesos con RPA/ I. Por HelpSystems.Agéndalo en tu calendario habitual ¡en tu horario!

Por Pat Cameron, de Helpsystems
Martes, 26 de septiembre de 2017, de 11.00 a 12.00 hs Horario de Ohio (US)
Webinar en inglés

       In today’s fast-moving business landscape,automation is no longer optional. Robotic process automation (RPA) has becomepopular in recent years due to its ability to provide efficient and scalableautomation, but implementing the technology without an underlying strategyleads to disappointing results.

Joinone or more webinars in this three-part series to learn how to build yourautomation center of excellence. You’ll learn about a practical approach tolaying the foundation for strategic automation and choosing the right people,processes, and infrastructure. We’ll also share real-life automation center ofexcellence success stories
You may be transitioning to a digital workforce, but your human team is still the key to a successful transformation. Putting together the right cross-functional operations team lays the foundation for your automation center of excellence. Join us as robotic process automation expert Pat Cameron tackles the following topics:
Understanding the COE concept
Which roles, responsibilities, and skills are critical on the core team
Capturing and prioritizing automation candidates
Identifying the right approaches for automation
Walk away with the ideas, strategies, and tools you need to start building your RPA center of excellence team.
  • 11:00 - 12:00 hs
    Estrategia para un Centro de automatización de procesos con RPA/ I. Por HelpSystems. por , de HelpSystems
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  • Estrategia para un Centro de automatización de procesos con RPA/ I. Por HelpSystems.

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