Webinar • TODOS

RAPID, AGILE DATA STRATEGIESAgéndalo en tu calendario habitual ¡en tu horario!

For Accelerating Analytics, Cloud, and Big Data Initiatives.
Martes, 18 de octubre de 2016, de 10.30 a 21.00 hs Horario de Ohio (US)
Webinar en inglés

Denodo DataFest is the premier technology industry gathering which brings together business leaders and technical experts for building rapid, agile data strategies for accelerating analytics, cloud, and big data projects. It will edify the technologies that enable enterprise-wide rapid data strategy through agile, holistic, and instantaneous data methodologies.

Join 100s of enterprise/ data/ solution architects, business/ data/ warehouse analysts, CDO/ CIO/ CTO, business users, and developers for a day of in-depth learning and networking.

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