For Professional / Institutional Investors only. Capital at risk. The webinar has three objectives: Evaluate how factor efficacy has evolved over time – long-term outperformance vs. short term cyclicality Explain how index design has evolved to capture factor premia, integrating objectives such as risk, return and sustainability Describe the interplay between specific ESG criteria, climate considerations and different investment styles (e.g. value or quality)? In our discussion, we’ll explore what has changed in factor investing over the past decade, what to expect in the years ahead, and how tracking- error-aware strategies can potentially enhance portfolio outcomes. We’ll share practical case studies of factor solutions to uncover best practices in ESG-integrated factor strategies with risk-controls. Key Risk Warning The value of an investment and any income taken from it is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up, and the investor may get back less than the original amount invested Anti-Greenwashing Statement Whilst L&G has integrated Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations into its investment decision-making and stewardship practices, this does not guarantee the achievement of responsible investing goals within funds that do not include specific ESG goals within their objectives.
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