Webinar • Ciberseguridad: Imperva

How Organizations are Evolving to Improve Their Risk PostureAgéndalo en tu calendario habitual ¡en tu horario!

Martes, 18 de marzo de 2025, de 12.00 a 13.00 hs Horario de Ohio (US)
Webinar en inglés

In a world where AI-driven threats are evolving at an alarming pace, we face adversaries who can easily surpass conventional defenses. Reacting to incidents is no longer enough; now is the time to take charge of your data environment. But how do we make that leap? The answer lies in gaining deep visibility into our operations. Understanding your unique risk profile and pinpointing and prioritizing the top vulnerabilities in your environment, and remediating them is not just about meeting compliance — it's essential for bolstering your defenses and maximizing your limited resources.

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