Join Andy Klein for his last hurrah as our resident Drive Stats guru as he shares analysis, insights, and stories from the 2024 Drive Stats report. Yes, you heard that right: It’s Andy’s last Drive Stats report before he heads off to retirement. This is your last chance to ask Andy those Drive Stats questions you've had spinning round in your head like so many drives, and your first chance to meet the new Drive Stats team—Stephanie Doyle and David Johnson of Backblaze Blog fame. Join us to say goodbye, say hello, and learn more about Drive Stats. About Drive Stats Based on more than 11 years of drive data and covering 30+ hard drive models, the 2024 Drive Stats report uniquely calls out the annualized failure rates of the drives Backblaze uses in operating over three exabytes of cloud storage. Whether you use one hard drive or manage an entire data center, you’re sure to come away with practical and valuable information you can use.
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