
Observability for Performance and Availability in Energy NetworksAgéndalo en tu calendario habitual ¡en tu horario!

Miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2024, de 12.00 a 13.00 hs Horario de Ohio (US)
Webinar en inglés

In an industry like energy, where electricity powers our lights, heat, air conditioning, and transportation among many things, unplanned brownouts and outages can be crippling. This informative 20-minute talk highlights strategies to avoid performance and availability issues and reduce the time to troubleshoot issues when they occur. Gather the team and join us to learn how observability with NETSCOUT’s nGenius Enterprise Performance Management solution, leveraging both packet-level details and synthetic business transaction testing, helps address the complex, multi-vendor, hybrid-cloud operational technology environments managed by energy company IT professionals. Join this discussion for expert insight on: • Trends for power and utility CIO goals and objectives • Importance of performance and user experience for critical power company services, such as SCADA, GOOSE, and DNP3 services • Cost of downtime - impact of slowdowns and outages power generation, transmission, distribution, and employee productivity • Effectiveness of deep packet inspection for troubleshooting performance problems • Value of early warning of emerging issues in cutting troubleshooting time • Importance of observability throughout the power company OT ecosystem

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