
Strategic Edge Computing: Elevating Security and Performance for EnterprisesAgéndalo en tu calendario habitual ¡en tu horario!

Miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2024, de 16.00 a 17.00 hs Horario de Ohio (US)
Webinar en inglés

Traditional application hosting strategies are increasingly redundant. As user expectations for instant access and seamless experiences grow, businesses are facing challenges like increased latency and security risks that hinder performance and harm customer satisfaction. Edge computing emerges as a transformative strategy that addresses these challenges by bringing computing resources closer to the end-user. This decentralization reduces latency and opens new avenues for enhanced security and scalability, allowing enterprises to host their applications more effectively alongside existing on-premises and cloud infrastructures. In this session, Harri Gollipalli (Senior Software Development Manager at PayPal) will dive into the organizational approach to adopting edge computing. Join the session to get practical strategies for deploying edge solutions, enhancing security frameworks, and significantly improving application performance—all critical elements for staying competitive in a rapidly changing market. Key Takeaways - Enhanced Security: Learn how edge computing can reinforce your enterprise's security posture. - Efficient Deployment: Gain insights into deploying applications at the edge for optimal performance. - Improved Performance: Explore techniques to reduce latency and elevate the overall customer experience. - And more...

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