Webinar • Brightalk: LeanIX

Unlock the Full Potential of Enterprise Architecture: A Three-Part Journey with SAP LeanIX and Vasa Digital ArchitectsAgéndalo en tu calendario habitual ¡en tu horario!

Jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2024, de 12.00 a 13.00 hs Horario de Ohio (US)
Webinar en inglés

Companies gain competitive advantage when they know how to get the most value and ROI from their enterprise architecture (EA). This three-part webinar series, hosted by SAP LeanIX and Vasa Digital Architects, provides expert insight into the best tools and practices for establishing, managing, and optimizing your EA practice. You'll learn how to: -Build a strong EA foundation – Set up a core EA team and inventory all of your applications, data, integrations, and IT components with SAP LeanIX. -Map your IT landscape – Visualize and understand how your IT is connected throughout organizational structures, value chains, and business capabilities, including all dependencies. -Align your technology with your vision – Ensure your technology strategy aligns with and supports your business goals. -Mitigate obsolescence risk – Manage technology risks proactively, uncover vulnerabilities from outdated components, and find opportunities to modernize and streamline your architecture. -Develop tailored technology road maps – Create department-specific roadmaps for technology adoption, upgrades, integration, and transformation, helping each business unit meet its goals while aligning with the organization's overall vision. Whether you're new to EA or looking to boost your team's productivity and capabilities, this webinar provides the insight and expertise you need to unlock the full potential of your EA.

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