Webinar • Brightalk: F5 Cybersecurity Protect Your Applications

Deploy NGINX on Azure faster than you can say 'NGINXaaS for Azure'Agéndalo en tu calendario habitual ¡en tu horario!

Jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2024, de 12.00 a 13.00 hs Horario de Ohio (US)
Webinar en inglés

Join our knowledgeable presenters, Gee Chow, Solutions Architect at F5, and Sundar Tiwari, Sr. Product Manager at F5, for a session that promises to empower your Azure experience with NGINX Plus. NGINX as a Service is a fully hosted offering that is tightly integrated into the Azure ecosystem, making applications fast, efficient, and reliable with full lifecycle management of advanced NGINX traffic services. NGINXaaS for Azure, powered by NGINX Plus, eliminates the need to deploy and manage individual instances or clusters of NGINX, and removes the operational burden of managing machines and images. Unlocking all NGINX Plus use cases of API Gateway, load balancer, programmable ADC, and cache managed through various Azure management tools (portal, CLI, SDK, ARM, and Terraform). And NGINXaaS for Azure can scale to meet your business, technical, or security requirements as they develop. In this in-depth session, our experts will cover: - Seamless Integration with the Azure Ecosystem: Discover how NGINX Plus - integrates with essential Azure services such as Key Vault, Monitor, and Log - Analytics, enhancing security and monitoring capabilities. - Smooth Migration Path: Learn the steps to transition your existing NGINX configurations to NGINX as a Service for Azure without hassle. - Continuous Innovation and Reliability: Understand how NGINXaaS for Azure ensures your instances remain cutting-edge and robust with automatic updates and built-in failover and service resiliency. - Cost-Effective Strategies: Leverage your Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment (MACC) to make the most of NGINX as a Service for Azure.

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