Webinar • Brightalk: Itential

How to Audit Network Security Vulnerabilities from Cisco PSIRTs with Itential’s Automated Configuration ComplianceAgéndalo en tu calendario habitual ¡en tu horario!

Miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2024, de 10.00 a 11.00 hs Horario de Ohio (US)
Webinar en inglés

Keeping your network secure is just as time consuming as it is crucial, and with Cisco’s Security Advisory Bundled Publication in September it becomes a top priority for most teams. It’s a perpetual responsibility for network and security teams to ensure that your network is not only operating efficiently, but operating as securely as possible. However, the rapid state of updates and changes in infrastructure makes it a challenge to ensure that network and security device configurations are standardized and maintain compliance. If you’re still using manual methods to review and audit, you already know it’s error prone and simply does not scale. With Itential’s multi-vendor automation and orchestration platform, network and security teams can audit network and security device configuration and operational data using templates that can are updated by vendors almost as quickly as new vulnerabilities are identified. The Itential platform can then report and automatically remediate changes, with the ability to integrate with ticketing, inventory, and messaging systems. In this webinar Joksan Flores, Senior Solutions Engineer at Itential, will demo step-by-step how teams can: • Create Golden Configuration templates for both network and security devices. • Automate auditing live device configurations for known vulnerabilities. • Audit operational state of devices for vulnerabilities using Command Templates. • Orchestrate with notification systems like MS Teams or Slack for reporting. • Enable self-service, on-demand audit of device configuration with APIs.

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