Webinar • Brightalk: Mirantis

Unlocking the Power of Open-Source: A Private Cloud Alternative to Public CloudAgéndalo en tu calendario habitual ¡en tu horario!

Miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2024, de 09.00 a 10.00 hs Horario de Ohio (US)
Webinar en inglés

OpenStack is the premier open-source private cloud framework, boasting over a decade of proven benefits. Numerous organizations worldwide have successfully leveraged OpenStack at scale, often with a tailored economic model. However, it's important to recognize that while OpenStack excels in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), its core functionalities revolve around flexible and open Compute, Network, and Storage orchestration. This leaves a gap for organizations seeking Platform as a Service (PaaS) layers, a void typically filled by public cloud implementations offering bundled services like Database as a Service (DBaaS) and Message Queue as a Service (MQaaS). At Mirantis, we help customers address this gap with comprehensive open-source solutions, providing organizations with a genuine alternative to closed-source offerings. Daniel Virassamy will explain how PaaS functionality is supported on OpenStack, providing a complete platform for accelerated software development and production hosting. He’ll provide and describe: - A comprehensive overview of the architecture, spanning both IaaS and PaaS layers. - A detailed Software Bill of Material (SBOM) and Bill of Material (BOM) for a complete open-source-based solution, ensuring transparency and accountability. - Core services delivered by the IaaS layer, facilitating seamless infrastructure management. - Deep integration of PaaS with IaaS, ensuring smooth interoperability and enhanced functionality. - Various application delivery models for DBaaS, MQaaS, and other essential tools and runtimes. - The value for the organizations and how their developers can benefit from those services. Through these initiatives, we empower organizations to embrace open-source solutions fully, enabling agility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness in their cloud deployments.

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