Webinar • Brightalk: Black Duck Software

Open Source Software Audit vs Scan: What’s Right for M&A?Agéndalo en tu calendario habitual ¡en tu horario!

Miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2024, de 10.00 a 11.00 hs Horario de Ohio (US)
Webinar en inglés

Understanding the risks associated with open source software has become the norm in tech due diligence, but not all approaches are created equal. Knowing what’s in the software you’re acquiring is the first step. Few targets are able to produce an SBOM and when they do, it tends to be about 50% accurate. Is “good enough” good enough for M&A? Join this live Synopsys webinar to learn how a purpose-built M&A open source audit differs from open source management tools and why it matters in tech due diligence. We’ll cover: • The risks associated with open source software •Why depth of analysis matters, and what it results in during M&A diligence •Why accuracy, reporting and expert human analysis are keys to thorough diligence Don’t miss this informative webinar. Register today.

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